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Project Management Methodology

Did You Know?

Agile is a design philosophy founded on collaborative development, however it has not evolved into a nurturing, collaborative communication platform.  It does little to encourage bidirectional introspection between senior management and senior development, and its world view is but a cattle drive.

Agile Dials use metrics familiar to the investment community, so CEOs and business leaders can interpret development activity. Agile thought leaders bemoan the lack of 'Servant Agile Managers'.  We want to give middle managers a tool to help them fulfill this contract, relaying critical complex information.  The models we depict are based on rigorous, tractable frameworks, founded on decades of industrial experience.

Agile Dials unravel complexity through intuitive dashboards, while exposing inconsistent data points. Take your opportunity with a tool that is built for speed.

- CEO Gregory Bittar





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